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Star wars the force awakens alan dean foster

Deciding that it was not a joke and that the guard was not waiting for her just outside the cell, she moved to pick up the weapon and leave. For a long moment she stared at the open portal.

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This he proceeded to do, setting the rifle down on the floor, then turning left into the outside corridor to depart in silence.

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“And you will drop your weapon.” “I will drop my weapon,” he responded in the same uninflected voice. As the guard reached the doorway, she spoke hastily.

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No, she corrected herself: She was free of this cell. Lying in shock on the reclined platform, Rey hardly knew what to do next. He stood and stared at her for a moment, then turned and wordlessly started for the doorway.

Includes two tie-in short stories: “The Perfect Weapon” by Delilah S.

I will speak of this encounter to no one.” Working methodically, he unlatched her shackles.

• The official novelization of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the blockbuster film directed by J.

And leave this cell, with the door open, and retire to my living quarters. It was significantly less confrontational and-distant. When he spoke again, there was a notable alteration in his voice. Was she going to be killed, freed, or maybe laughed at? Halting before her, he looked down into her eyes. Heart pounding, she watched him approach. You will speak of this encounter to no one.” Raising the heavy, black-and-white rifle he held, he came toward her. And you will leave this cell, with the door open, and retire to your living quarters. Her confidence wavering as she shifted slightly in her bonds, she repeated what she had said with as much authority as she could muster. He did not look in the least intimidated.

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And you will leave this cell, with the door open, and retire to your living quarters.” The guard eyed her silently. As he was about to speak, she addressed him clearly and firmly-and not only with her voice. “If she could push him out of her mind and enter his, what else could she do? What might she be able to do with regard to someone else? Someone less skilled, untrained in the ways of the Force? The single guard posted just inside the front of her cell, for example? “You!” He turned toward her, patently unconcerned and not a little bored. /rebates/2f97811019654982fStar-Wars-Force-Awakens-Foster-11019654952fplp&.

Star wars the force awakens alan dean foster